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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Kat Williams Fight At Jeezy Concert

Now this is funny. During Young Jeezy’s concert last night at the Celebrity Theater in Phoenix, comedian/rapper Kat Williams was caught with his shirt off scrapping with a local promoter. Eventually, he was escorted out the concert. So much for ‘flexin. Ha!

The Breakfast Club Interviews Mac Miller

Monday, August 15, 2011

Jay-Z Interview On 99 Jamz

Before Hov celebrates the release of Watch The Throne tonight at LIV night club in Miami, he phoned into 99 Jamz a few days ago. He spoke on the album strategy, returning to the top of the Forbes list, The Throne’s upcoming tour, and Beyoncé’s work ethic.

Friday, August 12, 2011

hire justin harper to take pics 917-731-1965

August 12, 2011

she got a ass you wanna beat up

Like I always say: Big Butt > Big Breast

fresh out the shower tits

Out the shower

she got such a pretty pus#y


r.i.p jonsey

3jonsey.jpgThe now-closed Jonesy’s Tavern — on Holland Avenue in the Arlington section of Mariners Harbor — was a fixture for 20 years.
 STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — Something definitely went missing in the heart of the Arlington community in Mariners Harbor when Jonesy’s Tavern on Holland Avenue, a uniquely popular gathering place for two decades, closed its doors last month.

“It was the end of an era,” said Mariners Harbor resident and retired school teacher Elizabeth Meaders, a cousin of Carl Jones, the tavern’s long-time owner. “Anyone could drop in to Jonesy’s, with no strings attached. It was very peaceful and low-key.”

“It was a home away from home,” added Maria Browning, who tended bar there before Jones bought the place, and continued working for 15 of the 21 years that he was at the helm as the big-hearted owner.

Jones “was a father figure, a role model, a great guy. He loved to talk, and was very intelligent and sharp,” said Ms. Browning, a Mariners Harbor resident who is assistant director of the Cassidy-Coles senior-citizen center in New Brighton. “And he always went into his pocket to lend money” to people in need, she added.

Jones — a West Brighton native, born in 1935, and the oldest of four sons — closed the popular tavern when his health failed.


Jonesy’s had something for everyone. Its atmosphere was “like ‘Cheers’” — the long-running television show — said Ms. Meaders.

“Certain guys had certain seats, and the old-timers — retirees in their 60s, 70s, and into their 80s — played cards in the back on Thursday and Saturday afternoons,” recalled Ms. Browning.

“We had birthday parties for customers — the big months were February, June, and October. Women from the neighborhood cooked and brought in food” that everyone shared, free of charge, she added.

Jones also famously hosted Christmas parties for neighborhood children during the holiday season.

Arlington resident Shanda Scott, 36, first met Jones “when I was in elementary school at PS 20,” she said on Monday. “He was a great role model, and a tough cookie. He would never let the kids get away with anything. I loved and respected him.”

Ms. Scott went on to work for Jones at the tavern for eight years, part-time. “It was cozy, comfortable, and people really enjoyed themselves,” she said.


Carl Jones “loved me like a son. He molded me as a young man,” said Arlington resident Eddie Perez, 34. “He was like a grandfather figure in the community. I knew who he was way before I met him in person, when I was old enough to go into the bar.

“He was great in stature, and demanded respect. If you gave him respect, he gave it right back to you,” Perez added. “He was a father figure to a lot of people.”

Jones instructed Perez in the sport and skill of playing pool. The Jonesy’s Tavern team played together for 15 years, and won division championships. Finally, “in 2009, two seasons ago, we won the Staten Island Eight-Ball League Championship,” Perez said proudly.

The generous, community-minded spirit of Carl Jones made him a most notable neighbor.

“He’s a person who is concerned for others, and he has been that way since a little boy,” his aunt, Evelyn Morris King of Stapleton – an Advance Woman of Achievement — told this newspaper 11 years ago. Jones “felt everybody’s business was his own — not from the point of view of a busybody — and if he saw something or someone who needed help, he would do his best to provide it,” she said.


Jones’ family’s history on Staten Island dates back to the 1700s.

“His mother and my father were children of William A. Morris,” said his cousin, Ms. Meaders. Morris, a prominent West Brighton businessman and civic leader, was one of the founders of the Staten Island chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and the intermediate school on Castleton Avenue in Brighton Heights bears his name.

“Carl took after his grandfather. He was the most entrepreneurial one in the family,” she commented.


About 250 friends and family packed the Staaten in West Brighton on June 21 to fete Jones. “It was overflowing. People just kept showing up,” Ms. Meaders said.

Jones was an avid motorcyclist, and founded and was president of the Touch of Class motorcycle club. One “sweet surprise” was the motorcycle convoy that escorted Jones’ car from his Ocean Terrace home to the Staaten for the June 21 event, she added.

Jones had a favorite, frequently heard expression, Ms. Browning recalled: “What’s the point of being stupid if you can’t show it sometimes?”

The expression “was part of his disarming way of engaging people,” Ms. Meaders said. “He was a very down-to-earth guy, and that is what made him so attractive to the community.”

Idris Elba On Being A Sex Symbol & Enjoying A Certain Experience Involving Someone's Grandma


Magic Johnson Speaks On Living With HIV & Dying Of AIDS


Tavis Smiley Backtracks On His Anti-Obama Statements - Then Goes Back In On The President


Birdman Predicts Jay-Z is On His Way Out the Game

Cash Money co-founder Brian "Birdman" Williams recently sat down for an interview where he dished on Lil Wayne & Drake's joint album, which he loosely compared to Watch the Throne. He says the album is still in the works and gives a fresh approach to Jay & Ye's new album.
"I listened to a few songs [off Watch The Throne] and it feels like an older feel to me. I think with Drake and Wayne, they young. They young cats. You got 23 and 28. Then you got Jay-Z and them, who are older and really on their way out the game. Then you got Wayne and Drake and them, who are still youthful [...] So, it's two different types of music all the way across the board."
Birdman also added that he thinks what Jay-Z and Kanye are doing is "great for the game," but he's confident Drake and Lil Wayne's more youthful approach will take over.
Do you agree?

ASAP Rocky "Peso"


Zoe Saldana is covering magazines left and right! Check out all three covers as well as a snippet of her one-on-one interview with EBONY magazine after the jump…


The Avatar actress looks elegent on the cover of EBONY magazine‘s September 2011 issue. In the issue she discusses being “Black, Latina, & Fierce”, her upcoming action film, Columbiana and how she refuses to accept the hardships of being a black woman in Hollywood:
“When I go after a part, [people] better watch their backs,” she says. “Not because I’m going to crush everybody, but because I’m going to give the best that I can because I strive for excellence. When you don’t get a part, it is for a reason, and these pieces will fall into place soon. … We have a Black president right now, so why the f— would I sit down and talk about how hard it is for Black women in Hollywood when there’s a Black president in my country?”
Check the behind-the-scenes video from Zoe’s photoshoot on!


Clearly it’s Zoe Saldana season! If you haven’t seen it, check out our previous post with the trailer for her upcoming film Columbiana!

now thats a ass i'd eat


titi's glossing

Slippery when wet.

fuck the candy i wanna buy her ass

In a bodega near you.

Peter Gunz Confronts Affion Crockett

Comedian Affion Crockett is known for his comical spoofs, but apparently not all are amused. After channeling Cory Gunz earlier this week for his latest installment, poppa Peter Gunz confronts Affion during Sway In The Morning. Jokes on you. Ha!

Jersey Shore › Full Episodes 2

Affion Crockett Interview with the breaksfast club

Common ft. Nas "Ghetto Dreams" (Official Video)

Jay-Z & Kanye West - Otis

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Kanye West Falls Down On Stage! (VIDEO)

Kanye West fell off his throne during his performance in Norway.
It may have been "All Of The Lights," but as an energetic Kanye bounced all around, he bounced right off the platform on the stage.
PHOTOS: Watch The Throne Decoded: "Made In America"
Kanye's been so busy watching the throne, that he forgot to watch his step while performing in Bergen.
In the middle of rapping, Kanye trips and takes a big tumble. The fans continued to cheer him on and he got right back up and continued his rhymes like nothing ever happened.
EXCLUSIVE: Watch The Throne Revamps Black Power
Every artist has fallen or tripped at least once during a concert and Kanye is no exception. He may be on the throne and the third highest hip-hop cash king, but it doesn't exclude him from taking tumbles.
We're just glad Kanye didn't injure himself.
Skip to the 1:15 mark to watch Kanye take a tumble in the video below!

the pretty pus*y & anal shot ever

Comes with an accessory.

black girl with a body that just makes u wanna cum

breat u just wanna suck on

New Video: Pete Rock & Smif-N-Wessun x Buckshot “Night Time”

Nas Brings Out Will Smith In Philly

New Video: Young Chris “Y’all Don’t Hear Me Tho (Freestyle)”

The Weeknd Featured On Drake Take Care

Aziz Ansari Jimmy Kimmel Interview

aziz jim kim int by yardie4lifever2

Ace Hood Interview by the breakfast club (good shit)

George Lopez's Late Night Show Canceled, Is TBS Lead-In 'Conan' Next?

Following news that the ratings starved “Lopez Tonight” helmed by comedian George Lopez was given the ax on Wednesday, staffers at TBS’s other nightly talk show, “Conan,” starring Conan O’Brien, couldn’t help but wonder if they were next.
Show staffers told Fox411 that O’Brien and his writers weren’t even sure if they should address the controversy on his Wednesday evening show for fear that bringing attention to the cancellation would put them under the microscope. Staffers said much debate was made over whether to ignore the 800-pound gorilla in the room.
O’Brien opted to keep the Lopez cancellation out of his opening monologue and instead made sure to assert his place in the late night pantheon by reminding the audience that this was his 3,000th show since he began hosting “Late Night With Conan O’Brien” in 1993.
After his first commercial break, he switched to a serious tone and sent his condolences to Lopez and his staff.
“Had it not been for George being so incredibly supportive of me I would not have come to TBS,” O’Brien said. "It makes me really sad that TBS and George could not work this out….so tonight all of our thoughts are with George and his staff and his crew.”
A spokesman for “Conan”  told Fox411 that he was unable to answer the question about whether their show was in increased danger of being next on the chopping block, and referred us to the network.
TBS vehemently shot down the idea that “Conan” would be next to go, saying that any cancellation rumors were not true, and that O'Brien’s ratings were not similar to those experienced by Lopez's show.
But while the numbers may not be the same, the audience erosion is.
Since moving from the 10 p.m. time slot, Lopez’s total viewership dropped from 910,000 to 543,000. It dropped further to 391,000 this month.
In contrast "Conan" has averaged a little over 1 million viewers for this season and has averaged 709,000 this month. But that’s down from the show’s debut of 2 million viewers.
Industry insiders say that Conan O'Brien is now most definitely in a precarious position.
“Both 'Conan' and 'Lopez' have suffered audience erosion over the past several months,” said Brad Adgate, media analyst at Horizon Media. “Conan’s numbers are down more than half since the show debuted. I think there should be a definite concern there.”
Adgate noted that the TBS late night space is a grave yard for failed comic variety fare, citing comedian Frank Caliendo’s  "Frank TV," which gave late night comedy a try on the network from 2007 to 2009 before facing cancellation..
“On TBS you just don’t get the huge numbers you do on broadcast. The one thing 'Lopez' and 'Conan' had was a median age was in the early thirties and that is desirable, but the bad news is they didn’t have the huge numbers they were hoping for,” Adgate said.
Lopez surrendered his original 10 pm time slot to the red-haired fan favorite back in November after O’Brien left NBC’s “Tonight Show” following a timeslot dispute with Jay Leno. The theory behind the move was that with a popular lead-in Lopez could actually do better in the later slot.
Right now, TBS seems to be in O'Brien’s corner, but with how suddenly the "Lopez" decision came on, no one at "Conan" will be sleeping easy unless they see ratings rise. 
Following the abrupt TBS decision, the last episode of “Lopez Tonight” will air Thursday night.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


tahiry makes jerking off and looking at the calendar fun

Beanie Sigel Admits To Tax Evasion

Bad news keeps coming for Beanie Sigel. Yesterday in a Philadelphia Federal Court, he admitted that he didn’t file or pay taxes from 2003 through 2005. He faces up to three years behind bars and will be sentenced November 18th.

New Video: Young Jeezy “Win”

new artist @Agony718 (The Heir To The Throne)

album name

@Agony718 (The Heir To The Throne)

band name

by Agony

@Agony718   00:00/02:13

@Agony718 02:13


Sucker Free 02:40



Party Scene 03:06


Midnite 01:58

Fired Up 02:34

The Best 02:13

Can I Live 01:30




The Blues II 01:57

@Agony718 (The Heir To The Throne)
released 04 August 2011 First & For Most I Wanna Thank My Triangle Offense?GGT ENT Fam...Beatminerz Radio,Dysfunkshunal Familee,All The Bloggers,All Djs That Are Not Afraid To Play New Music,Online Radio Shows,& The Listeners For Lending Me Your Ears, Salute My Homies Loedis,Coolie,F.U,Mirac,Dj Dummy,Mr Walt,PF Cuttin,Dj Eclipse,Dj Evil Dee,Dj Noe,Snibs,Catalyst,DNA,BARRON,Rob Da Muscle,Frank Remarks,Zach AKA Lo,Leo,Julio,Dj Wayne Ski,Crazy Dj Bazarro,D-Rock,Jones Familia,The Wright Familia,Both Rah's Cousin * Brother,A Dime,Al,Delroy,Hollywood,Timeen,Ecash,Franchise,Dame,Young Phoenix,Brain Dead,Uppanotch,The Whole NYC & Everywhere Theres Poverty,R.I.P Dramadeus,Vel,Sheena,Megatron,Black Cloud Album Coming Soon!
tags: curren$y dabeatminerz dj premier drake dysfunkshunal familee hip hop jay z lil wayne nas rap rick ross wiz khalifa New York
All rights reserved
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@Agony718 (The Heir To The Throne) Cover Art

Video Preview: The Throne “Otis”

Get More: MTV Shows

she loves hot dogs

thank you Jesus

Dollar signs in the eyes.

a ass you wanna eat

4G network.

staten island girl with a body that makes you wanna slap your mama


Are You Feelin’ Draya Of “Basketball Hoes Wives” Expensive Purple Drawls And Pea Green Coat Action?

"Basketball Wives: L.A." Cast Member And Model Andraya Michele Poses For Black Men Digital
Model, “Basketball Wives:L.A.” cast member and celebrity jump-off Draya Michele stripped down to her panties and bra along with a $7,000.00 Valentino lace and leather peacoat for her latest Black Men digital photoshoot. Do you likey?
"Basketball Wives: L.A." Cast Member And Model Andraya Michele Poses For Black Men Digital
The shoot was styled by Black Men CEO Marcus Blassingame and shot by Chris Williams

basketball wives Jennifer Williams Interview talking shit

Benefits of Girls with No Ass

Jay-Z Tops 2011 Forbes Hip-Hop List

Jay-Z returns to the top of the Forbes‘ Hip-Hop Cash King list ranking in an estimated $37 million over the past year. Rounding out the top three are Diddy ($35 million) and Kanye West ($16 million).
Hip-hop’s reigning Cash King continues to reap the benefits of a 10-year $150 million Live Nation deal, as well as stakes in the New Jersey Nets, the 40/40 Club chain, ad firm Translation and others. This year marked the first time he out-earned wife Beyonce since their marriage in 2008. For more on the business of hip-hop, check out Empire State of Mind: How Jay-Z Went From Street Corner to Corner Office.