“Basketball Wives” cast member Evelyn Lozada is already experiencing the bittersweet side of reality fame. The reality star recently had nude photos leak to the internet, but she says that isn’t even the half of it!!! Pop the hood for the drama
Lozada spoke to VIBE.com about her harrowing experience, which eventually resulted in having the FBI involved.
It’s bigger than just pictures,” Lozada, whose nude pictures hit the Web recently, tells VIBE. “When I started taping the show, I started getting these random harassing emails and text messages every day of taping and I couldn’t figure out who it was.”While the FBI is currently involved in the case, Lozada says the “Basketball Wives” were actually able to get to the bottom of the situation themselves.
The harassment was so severe, she says, that Lozada’s 17-year-old daughter was sucked into the drama. The stalker who hacked into Lozada’s email and threatened to “make money” off of her began sending spoof text messages to her daughter pretending to be mom.
“Imagine if someone texted my phone from your number but it isn’t really you, that’s what spoofing is,” says Lozada. “It was happening to my daughter where they were pretending it was me. God forbid somebody lures her somewhere and something happens to her. I can’t have that happen.”
“We used [fellow castmember] Suzie as the spy because she used to be friends with the woman I suspected. Come to find out, it was her [and] she’s another basketball wife,” says Lozada of the woman who is not part of the cast. “I don’t know why she’s doing it. Nothing has ever happened between us. I think some people really are just jealous.”As for the leak, Lozada says were it not for her child, she wouldn’t be too upset about the photos hitting the net. At the same time, the situation has taught her not to judge others:
“At the end of the day I’m grown. Those pictures were taken in the privacy of my own home. It wasn’t like I was sleeping with a bunch of guys but of course I was mortified,” says Lozada. “Thank God my daughter and I have the relationship that we have because I told her beforehand that this could happen. If I didn’t have my daughter I’d be like it’s whatever but she’s in high school and boys are going to see that so that’s what hurt me the most.”CRAZY!!! You would think that with all that money and their luxury lifestyles, these women would find better things to do with their time than harass each other, but it seems like for some folks they never mature beyond high school. Hopefully Evelyn’s daughter is also watching and learning from this and can take something away … Like maybe not to take nude photos? Or to get some goals beyond finding a rich guy to support her? Just sayin’!
“This experience taught me not to judge people because certain things don’t always make them a bad person,” says Lozada. “This woman is stalking me and trying to defame me and that’s hurtful to me [but] at the end of the day, I’m an amazing mother [and] very humble regardless of the lifestyle that I was living. I’ll always be that little girl from The Bronx.”
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