Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Eminem On Sky Rock Radio

Can anyone bum a translator? Eminem kicked off his European promo rounds today in the City of Lights. If you get lost in translation, you’re not alone.
Part 1:

Part 2: Speaks on concept of “Not Afraid” video, 50 Cent’s weight loss, and collaborating with Pink and Rihanna.

UPDATE: Still confused? Rap Radar France’s Young Safe gives a breakdown. Merci beaucoup.
Romano(Skyrock host) sings Eminem’s Not Afraid. Terrible performance. Off beat.
Eminem says the video is coming soon. Saturday. He says the video is full of metaphors. Lots of symbols. Being in the dark place.
Rihanna fainted the last time she came to the radio station. Em says he almost fainted too.
50 did an arm wrestling match with Difool(Skyrock host). 50 lost. Em says Difool got big muscles but he points Difool’s dick. Pause.
Em and 50 spoke the other day during 50′s show in Detroit.
Em saw 50′s pictures, he said he doesnt if he can give details about his role.
Marie(Skyrock host) wants to see Em’s penis. Pause.
Em talks about Wayne(one of the greatest of the game) Pink(she got added to the song afterwards), Rihanna.
Em only wants to learn cuss words.
They ask Em if he knows how to say Vagina, Grab Me.
They all love Eminem. Little flirt going on.
Three shows planned in Europe but not France. They ask Paul Rosenberg, he’s ducking the question. Romano cries.
They ask Em to sing, he declines.
They play the french version, Not Afraid aka Suces Mes Boules( suck my nuts).
They speak about salty balls…Soccer World Cup.

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