Tuesday, April 27, 2010

every wonder where that subway pole been

- Certainly an efficient way to keep sturdy!
- Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “Squeeze a cheek!”
- You should see her hold a limbo stick.
- “You know, it looks surprisingly comfortable.” - White Haired Old Man in front of her
- Curtain Rod Delivery in 30 minutes or less!
- Sadly, the train stopped short and she walked funny for the rest of her days.
- After she left, that pole gleamed with a professional shine.
- “This is why Purell was invented.” - Comedian Blaine Perry
- “Next stop, BUTT TOWN!” & “There’s always some asshole hogging the pole!” - Comedian Danny Solomon
- “That is the laziest stripper I have ever seen!” - Comedian Sean Donnelley
*** Good times! Thanks to Dg for sending me this pic! Although I have a feeling this picture has been around the block a few times. Big thanks to some of the funniest comedians in NYC for their lines! If you think you have a great line as well, send it my way and I’ll post it up! Keep on Douchin’ ***

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